day: 37
super quickie tonight…
i am exhausted and admittedly sore because jillian michaels has kicked my ass.
my legs hurt…
my arms hurt…
my ass hurts…
hell, i think even my eyeballs hurt.
super quickie tonight…
i am exhausted and admittedly sore because jillian michaels has kicked my ass.
my legs hurt…
my arms hurt…
my ass hurts…
hell, i think even my eyeballs hurt.

i don’t care if i have to bathe in ben gay – my ass will be taking orders from jillian again tomorrow!

people either love or are scared pissless of her?
on a totally unrelated note…
i attend a woman’s empowerment group held at my besties metaphysical shop called goddess group. it’s amazeballs in too many ways to get into at this juncture – but tonight we had full moon circle. for those not in the know – it’s a wiccan ceremony by nature (i am not wiccan but i do dabble as a semi-practicing pagan) where we cast a circle, call the corners, and tonight we each evoked (or is it invoked? i always fuck that up!) a goddess of choice. while doing this we place personal items on the altar to charge with the positive energy in the circle.

yeah, that would be my weight watcher weigh-in record.
any positive energy is good energy and i am not above trying anything and everything to help me on my journey!
off to take some advil and then to bed to rest my broke-ass body!
spread the bloggy l♥ve, eat your veggies, and love yourself!
(click & vote pretty please with sugar on top)
I'm following your blog now for the solely one reason. You had me at amazeballs.
Also, please do not actually bathe in bengay, your genitals will hate you with a fiery mentholated passion.
CYN!! i am so proud of you! look at you kickin ass with JM!!! rest up! you need it, I love the alter that looks like it was soo much fun! let that goddess hear your calling and answer your goal! <3
Even your before photos look great! What are you complaining about?
by the way what is your tattoo on your shoulder?
I always get evoked and invoked wrong too. I love that you put your WW weigh-in record on the altar.
Great job getting through the Shred today eventhough you were hurtin'. If you work through it, the soreness should get better in a few days.
Great job getting through that shred. I don't even dare attempt that!
Hi there ! New GFC follower of yours and a WW junkie as well! Back to WW for the third time! I was a leader for 2 years and kept it off, but after two kids back at square one! Check out my blog at:
You look fabu but you looked great before. We are long lost sista's girl . I too practiced the Wiccan I stopped because I know it freaked the shit out of my hubby even though he acted like he was cool with it. Should have never had him watch the
Ok I need to know what your tattoo? I have a few also...
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