happy sunday my bloggy peeps!
i dunno about you peeps but my weekend was just wow – busy!
i am just now finally getting over this cold thang which in hindsight knocked me for way more of a loop than i was willing to admit; until now.
i loathe being sick.
for the obvious reasons of course but also because i just don’t have time to be down & out!
anywho – so i had my weight watcher meeting/weigh-in on friday & i am happy to report that i lost .6lbs!

i really had prepared myself for a gain – typically during pms week i gain plus i have been sick & all. not my best week fo’ sho’!
but i lost!
not a whole lot but a loss nonetheless!
i totally attribute it to tracking every little bite & daily exercise.
(thank you jillian michaels!)
speaking of miss jillian – i started level 3 today (day 21) on the 30 day shred!
the gory details are in the tab (30 day shred) above – but i will say this. 21 days ago i could have nevahhhhhhh done what i did today!
so ummm yeah, i am pretty fuckin’ proud of myself & all that i have accomplished because it blows my mind & proves how we sell ourselves short because if someone had told me i would be doing this let alone rockin’ it – i woulda died laughing.
which reminds me – go enter my first evah chunky goddess giveaway so you can win some awesome free shit! because who doesn’t like free shit?!?!
and even if you have already entered – you can tweet the giveaway daily for additional entries!
oh and we had our first snow last night…
what the fuck?
in october?
this is not a good indicator & being of the sort who pretty much detests winter – this does not make me happy at all.

boo hiss @ the white shit!
i promise to be a better blogger tomorrow. i have a ROCK OUT with your CROCK OUT post that is yet to even be written – so not like me. told ya the cold kicked my ass!
and i am way behind on reading all your fabu bloggy peeps.
i will fix that asap!
but now i gotta get my weary ass to bed & make sure i am well rested for tomorrow.
i l♥ve halloween & it is gonna be a busy day for us!
just avoiding the candy overdose alone will wear me down!
peace, l♥ve & spooky margaritas bloggy peeps!
(click & vote pretty please with sugar on top)
Hello! I'm following from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop - Week 30! I hope you have a fun and safe Halloween! I'm following through Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, etc. if applicable!
It would be great if you followed me back!
Much Love,
Congratulations on losing weight this week! That's especially great when you're expecting a gain! Well done!
Congrats on another awesome week. I heard about your snowfall on the news. Go to bed and get better :0)
Congrats on the weight loss in the midst of the PMS week! Hope you had fun last night on Halloween!
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