ni hao bloggy-san!
so i just got home from the gym & whilst tanning my buns in the booth tonight i thought to myself…
“it’s been awhile since ya wrote a…”

<div align="center"><a href="" title="misadventures of a chunky goddess" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="misadventures of a chunky goddess" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
the random thoughts that permeate my sick twisted little brain whilst standing buck-ass naked in a tanning booth for the longest ten minutes of my life…
in situations like this you have no choice but to come clean and say it like it is…
so here goes – light a candle, chuck life the bird, and fess the fuck up!
i had way too much fun last night out with my friends @ an show that featured motley crue, vanhanlen, dio, & godsmack tribute bands. and you know i was makin’ devil horns with my fingers – as it was so obviously the thing to do. i have always been a rockin’ chick! heh!
speaking of rockin’ – i so rocked that cute little dress last night & can you believe i didn’t take a pic. yeah me – the photo queen who documents everything. i honestly didn’t think of it… i was too busy makin’ devil horns!
i was so not feeling the 30 day shred today and had no desire to even do it until i randomly tried on a pair of juinor size 13 jeans & they fit. my ass was all over the 30 day shred after that & i went to the gym tonight! as my weight watcher leader tricia say: it’s the best & worst moments that motivate us the most. true dat!
the past six weeks of hard work is starting to show & people are starting to take notice – even those who see me daily. i have had so many compliments in the past few days it’s unreal. and i won’t lie – i am totally l♥vin’ it! it only motivates me to keep on truckin’!
sex is a bazillion times better when you feel sexier.
i had taco bell on the way home last night. it used to be a tradition for my bestie & i back in the day – so we had to. i won’t even lie – that mexican pizza kicked fuckin’ ass & was worth every one of it’s 14 points. yeah i went way over in points yesterday but fuck it – i had a great time drinking & eating the extras – i tracked it – it's not something i do regularly & life goes on!
i am the worst lurker -- i am wicked behind on reading other peeps blogs! sorry; i am usually all over that!
but did i mention i got into a size junior 13 jeans today?!?!
so there ya have it – no shame in my game!
what do ya need to get off your ta-ta’s?!?!
spill it…
then cross your eyes, make the sign of the devil horns, and drink a double hail bloody mary and all is forgiven…
spread the bloggy l♥ve, eat your veggies, and love yourself!
Congrats on the size 13 jeans .. woooot! :D You deserve all the compliments, so soak them up! :D
wooooo hooo size 13!!! u are getting there!!!!!!!! im glad your feelin sexy and ur right sex is 10x better when ur feelin it all jazzed up in the mood!!! k my twitter is @Shotoflaughter hehehe <3
Rock It, Gurlfriend!
hello there,
Thought I would pop by via the PIF Blog fest and say "hi" so "hi" good to "meet" you. Love the blog!! I will pop by as often as possible.
EVE :-)
Roar, sister friend, roar!
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