hola mi bloggitas & bloggitos!
yeah i know i have been m.i.a for the past couple of days which is unlike me – we all know i love to gab on my blog.
my gorgeous 2 ½ year old daughter has been extra demanding this week?
(i know you cannot believe it looking @ this adorable face huh?)
i dunno if it’s a 2 year old thing?
a girl thing?
or a it’s-almost-xmas-and-i-am-about-to-burst-with-excitement thing?
i am going with a combo of all three!
needless to say – miss thang is not having any of my time being spent on other frivalous things like cooking, laundry, bathing & blogging when i should be devoting my attention all to her all of the time.
i wish i were joking…
she freaked out last night because i left the room to go cook dinner & again when i went to pee without her.
we are officially conjoined twins now.(she is happy doing crafts & she did NOT get that from me!)
i get it – i spend a lot of time with her & we are very close & she always wants to be doing what i am doing – but never to the point of FREAKING out like a maniac?
and it makes me feel bad.
she is so upset & all she wants is to be with me -- so i cave.
all fine & well – but it been really hard trying to do a day’s worth of stuff all in the evening after she goes to bed – on top of trying to get my workouts in. – and getting the sleep i need because she will be up @ 5-6am ready to do it all over again!
when they say being a stay-at-home-parent is the hardest job in the world – they don’t lie! going to work 40 hours a week was a breeze compared to this.
i can do this… i can do this…
because i wouldn’t have it any other way & we have made many sacrifices so i could stay at home & be with her.
AND she wouldn’t be the vibrantly brilliant child that she is if i hadn’t!
(nothing against moms who work – don’t bombard my email or comment form with attitude – i worked my ass off when my boys were little because i had to & they turned out wonderful as well… )
so the countdown to the big day (xmas) is on!(I ♥ nike & a nike santa rules!)
are ya’ll ready?
i have one gift card to buy, some grocery shopping & all of my wrappin’ left to do – but other than that i am good to go.
at this point – anything i don’t get done wasn’t meant to be!
tomorrow night i have a yule party to attend that one of the women in my goddess group is hosting. our little group has been on hiatus through the holidays so it will be awesome to see my goddesses!
i suspect the cocktails will be flowing along with a bevy of munchie party-type foods – one of my many weaknesses i might add.
i am such a sucker for chips & dip & finger foods!
but i have a plan – no alcohol & i am bringing veggies & hummus -- & i am NOT veering from the plan.
it will be the first time ever that i have attended a party/event & not had at least one glass of wine. but one leads to two which leads to three which leads to a taco bell detour on the way home & we will not be going that route this year!
i have weigh-in on friday & i am not fucking it up the night before!
so a lot going on & it is effecting my eating. well not so much my actual eating -- i have been good but tempted more than usual – it could be the beginning stages of pms as well. we went out to eat twice this week too – which i am sorry – is just hard.
i ate a little more than usual but at least my choices were good.
PLUS i am working out daily & i am still eating vegan & going strong! so i don’t feel overly bad about a little over-indulgence.
i am trying to come up with new & unusual ways to stay on track because my motto through the new year is this…and nothing will detour me.
not xmas…
not a clingy toddler (bless her little heart)…
not xmas gatherings with tons of booze & goodies to eat…
and certainly not pms!what are your plans of survival for xmas?
are ya winging it & hoping for the best?
gotta plan to stay on track?
or just enjoying the day without a care in the world?it is just one day after all…
peace, l♥ve & carpe the fuck outta the diem!
I'm just going to stay calm.. and keep my head... and try to make good choices. All I can do, really.
Your toddler star is the sweetest, although I get that the freaking out might be a tad..... exhausting. ;)
I'm monitoring my weight very very carefully right now, since I don't want to have a runaway train experience like I've had in the past.
My daughter waves and says "bye" to me when I leave the room to go to the bathroom. It's the freaking cat that insists on following me to the toilet and then sits there watching me.
You can do this! And I hope your little girl [as cute as she is] gets her independence back so you can do stuff doing the day again. But it is super cute that she wants to spend time with you now.
I love that your little one wants to be with you all the time. Cherish it because in 13 years, she won't want anything to do with you, lol. No, I know it can be crazy. You're a good mom!
I think they all go through a clingy stage, but they get past it eventually. BTW: She is too cute!
Merry Christmas!
I love the picture of the two of you! She is a Mini Me of you! :-)
I am taking it day by day, and plan to enjoy Christmas full throttle, without sabotaging all the good I've been doing for myself.
Blessed Yule and good luck on the weigh in tomorrow Cyn!
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