tee gee eye freakin’ eff!
(i just love saying that – dunno why?)
so the weigh-in.
today was just craziness – as all friday’s seem to be lately?
skylar – my 2 ½ year old daughter -- had a check-up visit (did ya know they do 2 ½ year visits now to do early detection/intervention for autism & developmental issues because they are so widespread now?) with her pediatrician this morning – so i had to race home to drop her & bri off – get my mom (she is also a weight watcher junkie – dunno if I have ever mentioned that?) & fly to our weight watcher meeting.
we made it right in the nick of time -- phew!
and boy oh boy am i glad i did because i…
(drum roll please)
lost 3lbs & for a total of 21 lbs gone & putting me 1 lb past my 10%!!
as in i have lost 10% of my body weight!
(link takes you to a ww page that list the benefits of losing just 10% of your body weight)
***does 10% skinnier nekkid cartwheels***
yeehaw mofos!

i was hoping to be there before xmas & was quite stoked & surprised to make it a week early!
xmas has come early & i gotta smaller booty – JUST WHAT I WANTED!
so uhh yeah – pretty effin’ happy!

but moving along to some other stuff – cause i know ya’ll are just dying to know about my random shit…
so i was bitchin’ the other day about not really being totally in love with the shred-it with weights workout right?
i decided to bump up to level 2 & man oh man!
jillian (cause we are on a first name basis & all) warns you that you will *rue the day you bought this dvd* & she isn’t kidding. the difficulty between level 1 & 2 are like night & day.
but i loveeeeeeeeeeeee level 2!
it kicks ass, i love the kettlebell, i love that it is strength and cardio all in one, & i love that i have soreness in places i never fathomed could possibly hurt!
you will feel this one & you will be challenged !
this is the type of jillian workout i have come to love/hate!
today marks the end of the sweet tooth challenge -- wow!
i challenged myself to three weeks of no junkfood – cakes, cookies, chips, crackers, ice cream, candy , etc. & i am happy (& kinda surprised) to say i stuck it out.
gotta admit that i thought i would cop out along the way – but i didn’t!
and brian took the challenge with me & stuck it out like a champ too!
we both agree that we feel so much better without a buncha processed crap & both of us lost weight – bri lost 4lbs (not that he needed to) & I lost 8lbs -- yeah impressive to say the least!
i am amazed @ how much my *need* to snack has diminished. i am not saying i don’t snack – i do – but i make better choices & am trying to listen to my hunger signals.
we feel so good that we are extending this challenge @ least another week.
plus – the thought of putting something into my body that could even slightly make me feel like before repels me.
i feel too fucking good to let a oreo or a dorito knock me down!
well kiddos i am wiped & have yet to workout today – so gotta get a green smoothie down my gullet & my (recently thinner) ass in my rockin’ purple saucony’s & do it up!
***this just in: apparently linkytools (the site i use to do the hop) is being an asshole because the no more muffin top hop is closed? my apologies -- i checked the format & everything is correct so it must be something on their end??? carry on!***
peace, l♥ve & carpe the fuck outta the diem!
Congrats girl on getting to your 10 percent goal that os pretty amazing and you look awesome
Great job at the weight loss. Me? I feel my fat cells multiplying while I type this. My muffin top and I are very close.
Doesn't it feel so good to get that little, bronze lock? I have mine on my purse, along with my other charms! Love them. Congratulations!
Fabulous, doll! Just fabulous! So happy for you. Your little girl is going to be such a diva, she's adorable. Way to go on the Sweet Tooth Challenge, you are amazing!
Congratulations on getting to 10% - that is seriously amazing! Well done! I'm so glad you did the sweet tooth challenge and stuck to it - way to go! I'm looking for a good challenge for the new year, shout out if you find anything good!
You rock!! ♥
Woman, you rock the whole damn world!!!! Congrats on the 10% and congrats on the sweet tooth challenge! You're an inspiration!
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