holla my bloggah’s & welcome to…

<div align="center"><a href="http://chunkygoddess.blogspot.com/" title="misadventures of a chunky goddess" target="_blank"><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--xpqGj5_Tec/TtQro_ypnSI/AAAAAAAAKeg/jCHIYdGYYgw/s300/pinterest-cover-story.pgp.jpg" alt="misadventures of a chunky goddess" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
this is my homage to one of my most favorite addictions/past times – pinterest.
if you are pinhead like me – come find me!

so i enjoyed having a *theme* for this post so much last week that i think i will keep that trend going…
with that being said; welcome to...
the wonder woman edition!
because i adore her as she is just fabulosity personified & anyone with a lasso of truth is badass!
let’s do this thang!
because it’s xmas…
wonder woman ornament? why yes, thank you!
(not to sound all know-it-all-ish but i think with the right materials i could make this...)

vintage wonder woman xmas card – why do they not make awesome stuff like this anymore?!?!

(seriously can get lost for hours on this site…)
oh my gahhhh – a wonder woman stocking! i think this is just ah-may-zing!

i just adore this print & i would hang it proudly!

oh hell to the yes, yes, YES – i would wear every bit of this & rock the wonder woman essence of it all!

(another coolio site to peruse around on…)
i have a nice little wonder woman coffee mug collection already – but there is always room for more!

okay i know i had the leopard kitchen-aid on my xmas wishlist last week – but scratch that santa – this one kicks it’s ass!
this is just balls to the walls coolness!objetosdedesejo.com
to channel the good ol’ wonder woman underroo’s days (tell me i am not the only one who had these?!?!) – wonder woman sexypants jammies! i am sure brian wouldn’t kick me outta bed if i was wearing this… heh!amazon.com
not just a wonder woman tattoo – a half- sleeve. now that is l♥ve my friends…
(by rachel bickley at immaculate conception tattoo)flickr.com
wonder woman reeboks? who even knew?!?!uploaded by user via google.com
i find these socks super sexy…spencersonline.com
and finally…
ms. lynda carter who’s classic portrayal of diana prince spurred my love for all things wonder woman! i swear the only reason a remake of wonder woman has never been made or done well is because no one can replace the über sexy ms. lynda!topkool.com
i swear one year before i die – i will dress up like wonder woman for halloween or some costume wearing occasion!
or maybe just because I frickin’ feel like it…
hope your sunday is WONDERful!
peace, l♥ve & carpe diem the fuck outta today & everyday bloggy peeps!
go link up to the no more muffin top hop -- open until tonight @ midnight -- all links welcome – even giveaways & other hops!
I saw an interview with Lynda Carter just recently and her ass is still hot as f*ck! Love the kitchen aid you need that!
Ohhhh hahaha, I should have a lot of this stuff because I LOVE wonderwoman! I guess it shows at my blog header eh! She kicks ass!
I have no idea how I missed this. Except that I'm not usually on blogs over the weekend. That's the only thing I can figure. But oh my gawd!!!!!!!!! I am going to have to Klout you for Wonder Woman!! I have those underroos and they are awesome. Totally my favorite undies of all time!! I just pinned several of your items. They rock my socks off.
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