holla my blogga’s!
welcome to…

<div align="center"><a href="http://chunkygoddess.blogspot.com/" title="misadventures of a chunky goddess" target="_blank"><img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--xpqGj5_Tec/TtQro_ypnSI/AAAAAAAAKeg/jCHIYdGYYgw/s300/pinterest-cover-story.pgp.jpg" alt="misadventures of a chunky goddess" style="border:none;" /></a></div>because i am a total pintrest freak & most definitely need a pintrivention!
come find me if you are equally as freakish!

so here is some things i found this week that i thought to be extra coolio…

a water bottle that holds all your essentials – id, money, key. i need this in my life!

purple.sexy.hot. – nothing about this whole ensemble that i don’t like or that doesn’t scream me!

awesome diy – man’s t-shirt into a woman’s dolman t – must.do.this!

rumor has it that after a few weeks you will see shiny, healthier, and longer hair, drastically fuller eyelashes, and serious nail growth! and it is $3 a bottle at target! i’m game to give it a try!

crustless pumpkin pie. 89 calories per servings – wow! i am not a huge fan of the crust anyhow & think of all the calories/points+ ya save without it! yumm-o!

l♥ve this – and it is one of my new mantras – i am going to make sure i look my best every single day from now on. you will be amazed how much better you feel just by dollin’ up a little bit every single day!

jewelry box with such a great message! yeah; what exactly are we waiting for?!?!
oh & it’s just $10!

and i would like this in the above mentioned jewelry box. shattered amethyst – how friggen cool is this?

true fuckin’ story! i have always felt this way & am finally letting it show again!
and finally some inspirations for my fellow weight watcher/workout/time.to.change.my.life junkies…


well, this certainly rings true for me!

1 lb of muscle burns 50 calories a day, 1 lb of fat burns 4 calories a day. i'll take the muscles, please!

this is just awesome! don’t quit!!!
and finally…

well that was fun yet again – feel free to grab the button & play along if ya like. i know that many of you are pinheads like me!
have a wonderful lazy day ya’ll – we have plans to have sunday dinner with some good friends & i will be working out per usual today.
i have kinda eaten a bit more than i should this weekend – but the beauty is you can always workout a little harder & longer to compensate for it & that is what i will be doing today!
peace, l♥ve & margaritas bloggy peeps!
Ok I am going to sound dumb but what exactly is Pintrest big ol cork board?
Pinterest (Pin-tũr-ĕst) is a vision board-styled social photo sharing website and app where users can create and manage theme-based image collections. The mission statement of Pinterest is to connect everyone in the world through shared tastes and the “things” they find interesting...
so yeah, like a big ol' corkboard with links... lol :)
LOVE those last ones! I find so much inspiration on Pinterest it's unbelievable!
The Biotin works. I need to start taking it again!
Oh and about my camera - I have a Canon EOS 550D - lovvvvve it! :D
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