wowies – 80 days?
you don’t say?
bloggy peeps!
happy thanksgiving eve!

back in the day i used to party like a rock star & sadly i can recall one thanksgiving being so hungover that i couldn’t eat dinner & having my mom livid @ me…
heh – that woman deserves the sainthood dealing with my crazy-ass!
no really – she does. i was a force to be reckoned with & wilder than a rooster on crack!
tonight things will be so very different.
i will be chillin’ with the skylar…
my sons will be @ their dad’s for most of the evening…
and brian is working – yeah working until like midnight setting up signage (he is in retail) for all you crazies who need to shop on thanksgiving.
yes, his place of biz is open tomorrow for awhile.
seriously – peeps who shop on holidays need their head’s examined or at least a new hobby!
and you would never catch me out on black friday – i don’t care if they were giving shit away. i have spent enough time in retail myself & bitches be crazy!
tomorrow should be a pretty mellow day – the parade in the morning, dinner around 1ish, i usually take a bunch of family photos to prep for xmas cards, & then the rest of the day will just us being us.
sounds perfect to me!
oh and of course i am still doing this 1st thing in the morning…

eating/diet wise – i have a gameplan – portion control, no soda, loading up on veggies, one serving of one dessert.
good plan aye?
but it’s all about the execution & i am curious if i can be steadfast & stick to the plan!?
and if i don’t?
it’s one day & one fuckin’ day doesn’t define me nor will it derail me!
so there thanksgiving!

so i am two weeks into ripped in 30 (click the tab above for details).
i start level 3 today & from what i hear & have read – it is pretty intense & level 4 is just a whole other kinda crazy – but let’s not go there just yet.
i am excited about upping my level because i know it will be harder & i enjoy the challenge. i may not do the workout perfectly but i give it a 199%!
i decided to wait until the very end of the challenge to take measurements & photos & i am also tacking on 2 days on week 4 to make it a true 30 day challenge.
so 2 weeks from friday the results will be in!
how is everyone else out there doing on their respective challenges – jillian michaels or otherwise?!?!?!
i got some new challenges starting in the upcoming days/weeks – sweet tooth starts friday & i gotta admit that the junkfood junkie in me is terrified…

peace, l♥ve & margaritas bloggy peeps!
I like your plan. I also plan to have only one dessert. ONE HUGE DESSERT! It's my annual pecan pie indulgence.
I have made the plan for one dessert also. I think I'll be able to stick to it with no problem. I'm worth it after all, right? Worth saying no, worth being down another pound. And, so are you, doll! I love your Jillian enthusiasm, you're kind of a rockstar. I am a holiday baker, so I took one look at the Sweet Tooth Challenge and ran the other way. Yeah, I'm THAT dedicated. LOL. I must sample what I bake and the goodie plates I deliver, so kudos to you for committing to what I would call insanity. No sweets during the holiday. I'd rather you take my left arm! Bwahaha!
The junkie in me was sweating too, but if you get through the first days -- it's all good! :D
I like your plan for Thanksgiving! I've already decided, since mashed potatoes are a "normal, everyday" kind of food, I'm going to forego them, and have a little extra stuffing, instead. Veggies are my friends, too, and will be featured predominantly on my plate. As for dessert, it's the pies that are special to me, since I don't bake them and rarely have them, so I'll have a two-bite tasting of a few and call it good. :-)
Veggies, wine, veggies, wine, veggies, wine pass out. This used to be my hard core party weekend we would go out tonight - show up hungover on Thursday and sleep all day Friday afternoon and start all over Friday night. Ahhh the good ol days?
Wow, you are really doing well. Congrat's on keeping it real! Happy TG:)
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