my bloggers!
i have no freakin’ clue where this post is going – so bear with me & lemme apologize in advance for potential lame-ness!

i just got home from the gym a little bit ago and had a really great workout!
well – minus the douchebag two ellipticals (i just realized i have been spelling that word wrong for years btw) down who talked on his cell phone for his 20 minute workout.
so rude!

and ya know i am not an asshole – take a call if ya gotta (even though signs are posted asking that cell phones only be used in the lobby) – but to talk 20 minutes so loudly that i could hear you over my earphones with the volume blaring– well then you are just a dick!
that loser made me miss sex & the city and distracted me during my workout – double doozy fucktard!
other than that – gym was awesome!
i did 30 minutes on the e l l i p t i c a l & another 30 minutes circuit training.
yay me!
i am by no means buff – but i swear i feel buff-er.
okay maybe not buff-er --- but definitely strong-er!

tomorrow my younger son, peyton, turns 15.
i know what you are thinking? how could a sweet young thing like myself have a child who is 15?
okay i will stop…
so yeah…
peyton’s b-day and we usually have a big family dinner with cake & ice cream – typcial b-day stuff.
we are still having that – i am just opting to have some healthier options in the mix.
like grilled chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and i got an amazing cupcake recipe (i will share tomorrow with photos).
plus i am not a total birthday party nazi so we are having my son’s favorite homemade mac & cheese (i will be skipping this one) and he loves banana split ice cream by friendly’s.
it’s all about compromise. and honestly, if i didn’t have weigh-in on friday i might partake a little more than the plan in my head. but typically i plot out my menu in the morning and stick to it and am usually really on mark the day before a weigh-in. and i will be plotting fo’ sho’ tomorrow.
i need a good weigh-in this week
okay peeps – this chick has to take her fluffy ass to bed!
and can i say how fucking awesome you blog-o-sphere people are… truly. the nicest bunch of people i have never met in my entire life.
i could say more but then i would get mushy and shit.
point is : me love ya long time!
spread the bloggy l♥ve, eat your veggies, and love yourself!
*** thanking google images – unless noted ***
I Love a great workout.
Awwww, Cyn! We love you too! Shame about the DB. Some guys are just tools.
Happy Birthday, Peyton!
Ooo, one of my biggest pet peeves, people just don't know when to put those damn things down!! Tell why people want to be found ALL the time???? Like if you are one the shitter, enjoy it, don't talk on the phone. If you are at the bank in such small confided areas, then why do I want to know your business?? Lordy! Have fun setting up your son's birthday party... koodoo's to you for having will power, mac and cheese is pretty good!!
Hi, Cyn! :-) Happy birthday to your Peyton (fabulous name, btw).
I would have been seriously irked. I mean, I'm known to talk to my gym buddy while on the treadmill, and I'll laugh out loud at something like Carson Kressley's antics on the Nate Berkus show yesterday, but having a cell phone conversation - full blown - for 20 minutes? Not so much, thanks!
Fabulous blog! Can't wait to do more exploring.
(Belated) Good luck on your journey! Looking forward to crock pot recipes! Maybe it'll help me lost some baby weight too! I got down -10lbs from pre baby and now I am back up there. Sigh. I need to rejoin ww too! Good luck!
New GFC follower! :)
You are so funny! And I love that commercial for planet fitness...
What you described earlier is the reason I bought a treadmill!
New follower from mommy's blog design hop :)
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